This was actually a poem I had to write for my art class that went with a huge project. I decided since I havent written anything in a while, my followers deserve something to keep them entertained. I know it isn't much, but I am in the middle of writing something, that sadly I am debating whether or not to finish for reasons that it may hit a little to close to home for some of you. Though I will probably end up finishing it soon, seeing as I am going to have a 'chill weekend' as my friends call it. Anyways, the poem is about what I hope to convey in my writing and in my readers. The title actually means "Burning Canvas" in italian, which makes sense if you knew the project. So I hope you like it :) Please leave me comments, this is the first poem I have written since I was in middle school, and those werent good enough to make it public. :)
Bruciare Tela
Fire within my soul burns with the passion of my being.
The creator of my infinite world rests between my steady fingers,
Waiting with baited breath to fulfill its purpose,
To scrawl the right combination of words
Across a lonely blank page, longing to be filled
Images illuminate the minds of the viewers
Hearts bleed crimson and eyes spill emotions who try to hide.
Forget the reality of the conscious circle
Close those eyes that see too much hate
And open them to new world of wonder and possibility
Unlock your heart to the passion I implant
And allow yourself to feel for the first time
yes you and you alone have the power and responsibility to create the fire from your own soul[GIVEN TO YOU BY YOUR CREATOR} to us listeners through your writing<<><>your passion seems very intense, megan<><><loves from your grand meir